Mexican Sycamore

Platanus mexicana
  • Botanical Name: Platanus mexicana
  • Plant Type: Shade Tree
  • Light Requirement: Full Sun
  • Water Demand: Medium
  • Landscape Use: Shade Provider
  • Ornamental Color: Yellow
  • Native or Adapted: Adapted
  • Wildlife Value: Birds
  • Season: Summer, Fall
  • Deciduous or Evergreen: Deciduous
  • Plant Form: Rounded|Upright
  • Region: North Central Texas
  • Plant Spread: 40' - 50'
  • Plant Height: 60' - 80'


The Mexican sycamore was introduced to Texas landscapes in the past decade. Its higher resistance to bacterial leaf scorch makes it a superior choice to the American sycamore. In addition, it prefers alkaline soils and is generally insect- and disease-free. It is very fast growing, and the bark peels off in irregular patches as the tree grows, which gives it a handsome mottled look.