- Also Known As: japonica, matrella, interspecific crosses of Z. japonica x. Z matrella, interspecific crosses of Z. pacifica and Z. tenuifolia
- Botanical Name: Zoysia sp.
- Plant Type: Turf Grass
- Light Requirement: Full Sun, Partial Shade
- Water Demand: Low
- Landscape Use: NULL
- Ornamental Color: NULL
- Native or Adapted: Adapted
- Season: Spring, Summer, Fall
- Deciduous or Evergreen: Deciduous
- Plant Form: Spreading
- Region: North Central Texas
- Plant Spread: 0' - 1'
- Plant Height: 0' - 1'
Zoysia can tolerate extreme droughts by going dormant, then recovering when it rains or irrigation is available. Zoysia grass selections appropriate for North Central Texas have the most shade tolerance after St. Augustine grass. It has good drought tolerance, cold tolerance, traffic tolerance, and low fertilization requirements. Some weaknesses are thatch and slow recuperative potential. Mower blades will also need to be routinely sharpened due to the grass blade's stiffness.
Zoysia should be started using vegetative means (either sod or plugs). Two species of zoysia, Z. japonica and Z. matrella, are most predominate in North Central Texas. Available varieties of Z. japonica (for example, 'Palisades,' 'Crowne,' and 'El Toro') typically possess coarser leaf textures and better cold tolerance than varieties of Z. matrella (for example, 'Cavalier,' 'Zorro,' and 'Emerald'). However, varieties of Z. matrella have better shade tolerance than those of Z. japonica. Coarser-textured varieties (Z. japonica) often perform better at higher mowing heights than finer textured varieties.